Why you should watch Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood ?

 Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood is one of such anime that will never fail to amuse me. There is always a shonen anime that has a special place in your heart. And for me, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is one of such kind. There are so many reasons for you to recommend this anime to your friends who want to get into anime. 

Reasons why you should watch Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood- 

Edward Elric: Not a typical shonen protagonist” – One of reasons why you must watch FMA:B is because of its well-written characters. So, what makes “Edward Elric” a good shonen protagonist?

Edward is not a overpowered characters, he isn’t even there in the list most powerful characters of FMA: B. He is determined towards his ideals and motivated towards his goal. He is not ridiculously optimistic and ignorant. Edward elric never outshines other characters. Throughout the series, no character was nerfed down just to show how powerful the protagonist is. (Which is to be expected in most shonen anime). Edward elric has his own skills in Alchemy and he is a powerful character but brute strength is not his most powerful trait instead his power lies in his intelligence.

Edward Elric is a lovable protagonist and it is always interesting and thrilling to see how he solves problems with his intelligence.  

Side Characters – Are you tired of watching stories where side characters are not well- written? And are almost forgotten as the story progresses? Stories where side characters have little to no contribution in overall plot or in defeating the main villain. That is not the case with FMA: B. You’ll get to see really powerful and well written side characters. And they all contribute to the overall plot.

Female Characters – Another thing in terms of characters writing that makes FMA: B stand different is its badass Female characters. There is not a definite definition of being powerful here. All female characters are powerful in different aspects. Characters like Lan Fan and Riza Hawkeye are strong in their fighting skills whereas Olivier Mira Armstrong is powerful for her leadership abilities. Characters like May Chang and Izumi Curtis are considered powerful for their knowledge in Alchemy. But as I said that power does not comes with only brute strength, there is Winry Rockbell who is the most emotionally strong character in FMA: B.

Good Animation – FMA: B is animated by Studio Bones. They really paid attention to minor details. (Specifically at action scenes). The animation made different kind of alchemy stand different from one another. And fight scenes are so good that you will definitely want to watch it again and again. (Especially hand- to- hand combat).

No Filler Episodes – FMA:B has 64 episodes which strictly follow Manga, and there isn’t a single filler episode. And none of the episodes are boring.  This series will make sure that its audience is hooked up to the story.

Good Openings – Really good openings with a lot of symbolism. They foreshadow each and every aspect of story. (I can write another article on how good these openings are)

One thing that I personally like about the series is how it shows war and situations of conflict.

How it shows tragedy, the aftermath effects of war and different reactions of different characters on a same situation. Each character is different, not all of them are filled with hatred, not all of them are doing it for the sake of duty, and not all of them are courageous. They all are humans with basic flaws.

I will post more about the philosophy of FMA:B in a different post. 

Also watch it for Roy Mustang, his fire alchemy is lit (Literally)


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